With written permission from the parent, guardian or custodian, a student may be exempt from a teacher-made exam if he/she:
- misses no more than 4 class periods AND has no more than 3 tardies per semester with an “A” average.
- misses no more than 3 class periods AND has no more than 3 tardies per semester with a “B” average.
- misses no more than 2 class periods AND has no more than 3 tardies per semester with a “C” average.
- misses no more than 1 class period AND has no more than 3 tardies per semester with a “D” average.
- Any student that qualifies for exam exemption may choose to take the exam.
- School-related absences will not count against a student’s exam exemption.
- A student’s privilege to be exempted under this policy will be forfeited if the student has been assigned to In School Suspension and/or Out-of-School Suspension for disciplinary actions.
- Teacher-made tests do not include any developed and administered by NCDPI (i.e. EOC, CTE, field tests, etc.).
- Students will be counted absent during class periods for which they are exempt if they do not attend school for state reporting purposes and safety.
Students and Parents: Students will not be allowed to check out during the exam period.
Students must bring a parent note in order to check out after the exam session is over.
If students are not present on campus, they will be counted absent. School is in session all day on each exam day (8:10am-2:50pm)