Wilkes Early College High School

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Announcement-Week of February 17th

Good evening WECHS community. This is Ms. Sorel with a few announcements for the upcoming week. 

Love the Bus: February is Love the Bus month. WECHS would like to thank our bus drivers Mrs. Huffman, Mr. Coles, Mrs. Line, and Mr. Javier who take great care of our students every day.

Teacher Workday: Monday, February 17th is a Required Workday for WCS teachers. There are no high school classes in session. All 9th and 10th graders should log on to their WCC classes from home to stay current with their work. All 11th, 12th, and 13th graders are expected to attend WCC classes on campus. If a student cannot attend WCC classes because they rely on bus transportation they need to contact their instructors and work on assignments.

WECHS FAFSA Night: WECHS will hold a FAFSA Night on Tuesday, February 18th at 5 pm with Mrs. Martin.

Whimsical Wednesday-For the upcoming Whimsical Wednesday, we ask that students dress like their future career to celebrate CTE month. Students who participate can earn points for their Den.

As always, thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening.
