WECHS Discount Card Fundraiser
On Monday, November 4th we kick off our whole school fundraiser. We are selling WECHS Discount Cards for $10. Some businesses on the card include Roselli’s on Tenth, Dom’s Bakeries, Santa Lucia, and Winner’s Circle BBQ. Students can turn in their orders to their 1st period teachers and the cards will be given to students at the end of the day for delivery. If any parents would like to help sell packs of cards to assist their student they can contact the Front Office. Monies go to supplement field trips and educational events.
Prizes for the top three student sellers in each grade level: The 3rd place student gets two milkshake orders from a food place of their choice, the 2nd place student gets to pick out a large Squishmallow, and the 1st place student gets lunch with a friend (order lunch for you and a friend from any local restaurant of your choice delivered to WECHS).