Wilkes Early College High School

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Announcements-Week of November 18th


Good evening WECHS community. This is Ms. Sorel with a few announcements for the upcoming week. 

Whimsical Wednesday-For the upcoming Whimsical Wednesday it is Comfy Day (wear those sweatpants and hoodies). Students who participate can earn points for their Den.

WECHS Fundraiser-We will continue to sell WECHS Discount Cards for $10 through the end of November. Your email version of School Messenger has a link to the card. Students can continue to turn in their orders to their 1st period teachers and the cards will be given to students at the end of the day for delivery. Students who do not have a 1st period should return their forms to the Front Office. Any parents who would like to help sell packs of cards to assist their student can contact the Front Office. 

WCS Giving Hope for Ashe County-WECHS is helping WCS give a little hope to students and teachers in Ashe County affected by Hurricane Helene. We will fill cinch bags for 93 high school students and 10 teachers. We ask that anyone in the WECHS community who would like to donate or provide items to place in them contact the Front Office at 336-838-6247. We have been asked to include items such as winter hats, gloves, hand warmers, various toiletry items, comfy socks, craft items, holiday trinkets, cards, etc. We hope that these care bags will let Ashe County know we haven’t forgotten them and are still here to provide support for the long haul.

Key Club Fundraiser- The link to Key Club’s Dewey’s Fundraiser can be found in the email version of School Messenger. It runs from Tuesday, November 19th-Tuesday, December 10th. Items from Dewey’s make great gifts for the holidays! You can place an order with any Key Club member or contact Mrs. Wright in the Front Office. 

As always, thank you for your time and I hope you have a great evening.
